Thursday, September 10, 2009

Surefire earplugs

I have no idea why I got these in the first place.  They do look cool, as far as earplugs go, and they work ok, but I think the free foam earplugs do just as good a job.

Sorry, had to get that out of the way.  The Surefire earplugs are different from others that I've seen in that they kind of are molded to fit and stay in your ear.  They are pretty comfortable for extended lengths of time, and that's their biggest plus.  The biggest negative is that they don't provide as much hearing protection.  I've repositioned them while using them, for example while at the range, and they still don't give me what I want. 

They do work pretty well in other high noise areas such as flying.  I was on  a military aircraft and wore these while sleeping, and they didn't bug me at all, and reduced the engine noise to a mild roar.  I've tried this with military issue ear plugs, and while the military plugs keep out the noise as well, they are not comfortable for periods over an hour.

The earplugs also feature a plug that can be engaged or disengaged to vary the amount of noise.  I would assume it's for times where you might need to hear someone's voice, and still keep out sudden loud noises.  I don't know.  They are also low profile, so you can get away with wearing headphones with these plugs, which is nice.

Bottom line is like I said at the beginning of this.  Get some decent foam earplugs, and you'll probably get the same result. If you've got money to burn, you may not be totally disappointed with these, but make sure you get the right size as well.  I believe these come in 3 sizes.  You can check you sizing here on the Surefire website.

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