Friday, August 28, 2009

Altama Exospeed II Boots

Here in Iraq, we do a bit of walking. Nothing major like a patrol or anything, but enough that you need decent, broken in boots. I had a new pair of hot weather boots and a broken in pair of cold weather boots. The cold weather boots were just too hot and the new boots were killing my feet. I decided to order some different boots, so after some research, I decided to get some Altama Exospeeds II. I ordered right from the Altama website since they were the only place that could guarantee they were in stock. I emailed the customer service about sizes and availability and was pleasantly surprised at their quick response. Since these were not typical military issue boots, they recommended going off of a athletic shoe size as opposed to my issued Altama boot size.

I got the boots pretty quickly, along with my free t shirt, and was happy to find they fit well. The first day I wore them I was still happy as they felt broken in immediately. As I wore them more, they just got more comfortable.

They are fairly sturdy and breath well. The tread and sole seems to wearing well, although it's mostly sand and rocks around here. I've only been wearing them for a couple months, but I'm confident they'll last well through the rest of my deployment.

I would definitely get another pair of these boots and recommend them to anyone looking for a pair of boots that has that instantly broken in feel. I think I paid around $120 for them, which seemed like a little more than what I could find on other websites, but I got them quickly and they're worth the money. The price seemed within the ballpark of other boots of the same type. My other pair of issued Altama's are broken in now too, and I alternate boots. This works out well and my feet aren't killing me by the end of the day.

Good buy, worth the money, and good customer service.

I've had these boots for several months now, and am as happy with them now as I was when I purchased them.  They've held up well and are actually a little more comfortable as they continue to get broken in.  I had to replace the laces, but that's it.

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