Friday, October 27, 2017

Kershaw Ken Onion Blur

This is the Kershaw Ken Onion Blur.  It's an assisted opening knife, with some cool grippy material on the handle.  I opted for the non-serrated black blade.

After playing with the assisted open feature, which is lightening fast, I really liked how comfortable it felt.  The curves of the handle seem like the conform to your hand.  The blade is easy to deploy and it's a good length without seeming too big.

Not surprisingly it came razor sharp from the factory and I haven't had to sharpen it yet, although I've only used it to open boxes and such.  I like the fact that the users manual actually recommends the sharpening angle. This is helpful for me as I struggle with the correct angle sometimes.

About the only thing I question is the liner lock.  It works fine, but doesn't seem to engage the blade very deeply, as compared to my Emerson CQC 10.  I haven't had an issue with it, but I'd be careful with it if I was doing some hard work with it.

Overall a great knife.  It carries well and I don't even know it's in my pocket.  It's got enough heft to it to feel sturdy but not feel heavy.

It will be a strong competitor as my favorite knife, up against the Emerson CQC 10.

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